Effect of intercroped bean types as replacement series on yield and yield components

Document Type : Research Article


Ferdowsi university of mashhad


In order to study the effect of different combinations of intercropping ratios on yield and yield components of three bean types in clding pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), cowpea bean (Vigna unguiculata L.) and red bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in replacement series, an experiment was conducted based on a randomized complete block design with nine treatments and three replications at the Agricultural Research field Faculty of Agriculture Ferdowsi University of Mashhad during 2016-2017 growing season. Intercropping treatments were 75% red bean+ 25% pinto bean, 75% red bean+ 25% cowpea bean, 25% red bean+ 75% pinto bean, 25% red bean+ 75% cowpea bean, 75% pinto bean+ 25% cowpea bean, 75% cowpea bean+ 25% pinto bean and their sole crops. The studied traits were seed yield, biological yield and yield components including number of lateral shoots per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, 100- seed weight, plant height and seed weight per plant. The results showed that the number of lateral branches per plant, number of pods per plant, seed yield, biological yield and harvest index for pinto bean and cowpea bean and plant height, number of pods per plant, seed yield, biological yield and harvest index, but for red bean only seed yield and biological yield were significantly affected by bean ecotypes in intercropping. By decreasing ratio of bean types in intercropping, seed yield and biological yield were declined, so the highest seed yield and biological yield were observed in their sole crops and the lowest biological yield and seed yield for pinto bean were obtained from 25% pinto bean + 75% cowpea bean (with 1660 and 262 kg.ha-1, respectively), for red bean were from 25% red + 75% cowpea bean (with 2453 and 597 kg ha-1, respectively) and for cowpea bean were from 25% cowpea bean+ 75% pinto bean (with 4333 and 1015 kg.ha-1, respectively). Except for 75% red bean+ 25% cowpea bean and 75% pinto bean + 25% red bean, in all intercropping ratios land equivalent ration (LER) was higher than one. The highest LER was obtained for 75% cowpea bean + 25% pinto bean with 1.20. therefor, intercropping ratios of bean types could increase the crop yield per unit area compared with their sole culture.



Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 01 January 2024
  • Receive Date: 23 May 2018
  • Accept Date: 23 May 2018
  • First Publish Date: 27 November 2020