The aim of this survey is to compare utilization systems (cooperative, private and governmental) methods of energy consumption in Soybean production and the evaluation of energy inputs effect in yield of Soybean in Moghan. For this purpose, the information were collected from 54 private farmers, 14 cooperative members farmers and 14 agro-industry units by questionnaire method. The maximum input energy was observed in governmental utilization system (26784/84MJ/ha), followed by cooperative utilization system (24815/94MJ/ha). Furthermore, the output energy in governmental utilization system, cooperative and private were calculated 43627/5, 41947/5 and 39948.61 MJ ha-1 respectively.The share of renewable energy of the total energy input in cooperative utilization system, private and governmental was estimated 37.47%, 37/84% and 31/07% respectively and share of non-renewable energy was respectively 62/53%, 62/16% and 68/93% of the total energy input.The share of non- renewable energy for Soybean production was relatively high and efforts should be made to substitute renewable sources for some part of the non- renewable sources. Energy analysis indicated, that output–input energy ratio in cooperative utilization system, private and governmental were 1/68, 1/63 and 1/62 respectively. Cooperative utilization system in all energy indices, was a better option as compared to private utilization system and governmental utilization system. In order to find the relationship between energy inputs and yield, Cobb-Douglass production function was used. The elasticity Production estimates indicated, that among the energy inputs, irrigation is the most important input that influences total energy of Soybean production.
broumand, A., : aghkhani, M., & sadrnia, H. (2014). A Comparison of Utilization Systems In terms of Energy Consumption of Soybean production in Moghan Region. Journal Of Agroecology, 6(4), 905-915. doi: 10.22067/jag.v6i4.35426
abulfazl broumand; mohammanhossein : aghkhani; hassan sadrnia. "A Comparison of Utilization Systems In terms of Energy Consumption of Soybean production in Moghan Region". Journal Of Agroecology, 6, 4, 2014, 905-915. doi: 10.22067/jag.v6i4.35426
broumand, A., : aghkhani, M., sadrnia, H. (2014). 'A Comparison of Utilization Systems In terms of Energy Consumption of Soybean production in Moghan Region', Journal Of Agroecology, 6(4), pp. 905-915. doi: 10.22067/jag.v6i4.35426
broumand, A., : aghkhani, M., sadrnia, H. A Comparison of Utilization Systems In terms of Energy Consumption of Soybean production in Moghan Region. Journal Of Agroecology, 2014; 6(4): 905-915. doi: 10.22067/jag.v6i4.35426
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