Residual effects of organic manures, boron and zinc elements on soil properties, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) dry weight and chemical composition

Document Type : Scientific - Research



A greenhouse experiment was conducted using completely randomised design (factorial) with three replications to study the residual effect of organic manures (municipal solid waste compost and cow manure), zinc (0 and 50 kgha-1) and boron (0 and 10 kg.ha-1) by using ZnSO4 and H3BO3 salts respectively, (applied earlier for millet (Panicum italicum L.) crop) on soil properties and chemical composition of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Results showed that the residual effect of Zn increased total plant dry weight, available Fe and Zn concentrations of soil and plant significantly. While, available B concentration in plant decreased by 30.9% with increasing Zn application. The residual effect of B at 10 kg.ha-1, increased Fe, Cu and B contents of plant by 2%, 1.4% and 65.6%, respectively. While no significant effect was noted with respect to plant Zn content. Irrespective of Zn and B availability, application of residual organic matter significantly increased Fe, Zn, Cu and B contents of plant. Interaction effects of Zn, B and organic manures resulted in a significant Zn, Fe, B and Cu contents of plant. It is concluded that the residual effects of organic matter, Zinc and boron applied for previous millet crop, showed significant impacts in improving soil productivity and crop quality.


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