Evaluation of growth, yield and yield components of species in corn/bean/cotton intercropping with different patterns of planting rows

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ferdowsi

2 ferdowsi university


In order to evaluate growth characteristics and yield and yield components of corn, bean and cotton in different row intercropping systems 2-year experiment was conducted in farm of agriculture faculty of Neyshabur Technical University in 1392-93 and 1393-94 growing seasons. Treatments consisted of six intercrops of 3 species including 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 rows of corn, bean and cotton as well as their monocultures. Experiment was performed as randomized complete block design with three replications and measured data were subjected to combined analysis of variance over two years. The results showed that dry matter of corn, bean and cotton was significantly influenced by intercropping treatments. The highest and the lowest dry matter accumulation per unit area were respectively, observed for corn and cotton in 1-row intercrop (1:1:1). As the number of rows increased in intercropping treatments, dry matter accumulation reduced in corn and increased in cotton and beans. Dry matter yield in all intercropping treatments of corn was higher than monoculture however, for cotton and bean, dry matter yield in monoculture exceeded that of intercrops. In 1 and 2-row intercrops, dry matter yield of bean and cotton was decreased respectively by 22 and 65% compared to monoculture However, corn yield in 1-row intercrop was 173% higher than its monoculture. Combined analysis of variance of yield, yield components and harvest index of cotton over 2 growing seasons showed that there was no significant difference between 3 and 6-row intercrops. Based on the better performance of yield and yield components, 3-row pattern (3:3:3 intercrop of 3 species) could be considered as appropriate model for incorporating cotton in row intercropping with corn and bean. In most row intercrops land equivalent ratio (LER) was higher than one. By increasing the number of rows except in 2 and 5-row intercrops, the value of LER increased. Among three studied species, corn had the highest partial land equivalent ratio indicating the potential combinability of corn with other crops for efficient exploitation of resources.



Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 01 January 2024
  • Receive Date: 27 July 2016
  • Accept Date: 27 July 2016
  • First Publish Date: 27 November 2020